Recent content by ChemGal

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  1. ChemGal

    Solar Panels

    Chemguy was paying attention and with the end to some of the benefits we're getting them in soon. Our roof has been reshingled, so solar panels come next. Any tips or things to watch out for?
  2. ChemGal

    Ape's writing thread

    It's unfortunate, I found school turned me off a lot of things. Book clubs come to mind, it seemed too much like the assignments we would have after reading a book for LA. Then I did a few and enjoyed them. Writing is another, maybe I will give it a try one day too. I didn't really understand...
  3. ChemGal

    Grocery shopping

    Is anyone participating in the loblaw's boycott? We have had enough issues with them where they dropped off of our regular shopping quite some time ago. Depending on what offers come in, we might actually buy some things this month. If things are discounted enough, I don't see picking up a...
  4. ChemGal

    Grocery shopping

    Thanks, Chemguy got me some that were fairly expensive at one store. Since then I found Alymer ones at Sobeys, for a fraction of the price.
  5. ChemGal

    Room For All

    Weighing I can do. If you find a recipe complicated - not sure if my baking skills are up to it. Would love the spice cookie recipe! Chemguy and I are both lazy cooks. There's a few things we will do that are a bit finnicky, but in general if there's an easy cooking shortcut and it doesn't...
  6. ChemGal

    Room For All

    Was it easy? If so, can you share the recipe? haha no desire to add in anything complicated at this point.
  7. ChemGal

    Room For All

    I believe in hypnosis in terms of a relaxed state/'a trance'. Even with the word trance I'm a bit hesitant because definitions vary so widely. I don't believe in it in terms of mind control though. Do people really believe they are a chicken or whatever? Nope. Is there something a little more to...
  8. ChemGal

    Transit system violence Over 500 cases of violence this year - and the year's not up. The teen girls who killed a man in Toronto seemed to be widely publicized for a bit, not sure how much...
  9. ChemGal

    Woody 5e talking christmas tree

    I was going with cute, but the little bit at the end - that was creepy. The update did help.
  10. ChemGal

    Room For All

    I'm hoping there's enough sugar once we get to baking here. I tend to like to have more backups than Chemguy and I picked up in the fall that there would likely be a shortage on shelves. I bought one small bag of brown sugar - couldn't even get what I normally get back then which surprised me as...
  11. ChemGal

    Answer this question:

    I wouldn't be able to tell you the movie quote, not sure I saw it. The saying is 'they' most of the time when I hear it. I learned it that way too, but there was a shift sometime when I was a kid to the point where his instead of they sounds a bit off now. As for the she/name - not something I...
  12. ChemGal

    Answer this question:

    I find if you ask Americans they will state the saying is To each his own. Ask Canadians (at least Millennials) and they will state it's To each their own. Maybe similar? They makes more sense with your example though, as it can mean something like a business - and often is a plural 'they'.
  13. ChemGal

    Answer this question:

    Agreed, they.
  14. ChemGal

    Samsung Scandal

    Yeah, I would assume all fleet in the industry has GPS, separate from phones.
  15. ChemGal

    Samsung Scandal

    Field work - so the safety aspect includes driving in remote areas. Some different considerations than those working in one location. Communication devices were used before cellphones, they just replaced what was being used.