What Legacy Does Trump Leave?

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That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

Give it up Berzerk. You're looking more ridiculous with each ad hominem attack and crazy assumptions.
Kindly season your penchant for bluster and mindless ridicule with at least a modicum of intellectual rigor.
Newsflash: Cross-bearing is a major theme of NT teaching.
I am 100% Swedish. "Berserkers" were Viking warrior shamans and hence mystics. So I gladly embrace the nick.

You teach others how to treat you by the way you act. My blunt but honest approach to your vile screed is merely a reflection of your chronic lack of respect.
You teach others how to treat you by the way you act. My blunt but honest approach to your vile screed is merely a reflection of your chronic lack of respect.

Is that what you call it? I call BS. You've done a fine job of teaching others how to treat you with your arrogance, ad hominem attacks and name calling. I have respect until there is no reason to respect. I lost respect for you long ago.
I recall during the 2020 presidential race, there were YouTube tapes in circulation, of Christian 'prophets' confidently and vehemently proclaiming that God told them, without a doubt, that Trump was going to win, and win big. Guess what? They were wrong.
I suspect this video will be more of the same .
I agree that the American electoral system is in trouble.

One thing we have in Canada that might help: we have a an arms length non partisan entity called Elections Canada that does a couple of things, one of them hugely different than the U.S.: establish electoral districts using rigid statistical rules: even edges, equitable districts given density, etc.
Also, almost all voter ID laws appear designed to target non-white groups, who are less likely to own government-issued ID, so at least a bit of a problem. Who doesn't have a driver's license? The young, the poor, the disabled, the elderly.

The MAGAs are more likely to stack the supreme court, and make it harder for people to vote. It's Republicans who have banned people from giving water to people waiting in line to vote. They are the ones removing women's rights.

Even Republicans are saying their party is a mess right now. It's too bad because a good democracy needs two strong parties.
And only in the U.S. was it necessary to stack the Supreme Court to overturn women's reproductive rights.

If anyone on this thread is holding up the U.S. as something that we Canadians should mimic in any way, shake yer head, please.
Or three or more. I'm not disliking the Liberals and NDP in Canada currently keeping Conservative (idiots) at bay, to some extent.

Go Jagmeet for PM.
The fact that we have 4 functional parties plus a couple remnants of the Greens (and maybe an independent or two? I forget) in Parliament is, to my mind, much healthier than the duopoly in Washington. And that's even accounting for that fact that one of those four would happily vote to break up the country if given a chance. The Bloc do, in fact, have fairly progressive policies on most other fronts. I wonder how many Americans have actually considered that they are one party away from being no more democratic than the Chinese given that their third, etc. parties are basically marginalized by the nature of their system.
Because people like you and the ones in the video have been brainwashed…and reason is in short supply

You have just arrived after a long absence. And are you courteously welcomed and engaged?
Nope, you are immediately swarmed by Anteater's nest and mindlessly accused of being "brainwashed" and "short of reason."
No socially house-broken wokers here! And this despite my experience of local Republican supporters being far better educated (engineers, etc.) than most of their woker ilk. Yet it is precisely the unctuous high horse that wokers ride that gives Republicans their best chance of winning!
So post away and I'll be cheering you on, but don't expect rational political dialogue here.

You have just arrived after a long absence. And are you courteously welcomed and engaged?
Nope, you are immediately swarmed by Anteater's nest and mindlessly accused of being "brainwashed" and "short of reason."
No socially house-broken wokers here! And this despite my experience of local Republican supporters being far better educated (engineers, etc.) than most of their woker ilk. Yet it is precisely the unctuous high horse that wokers ride that gives Republicans their best chance of winning!
So post away and I'll be cheering you on, but don't expect rational political dialogue here.
To be fair, I started it. And I hope it is all light hearted fun. God has sent them a strong delusion. It is pretty easy to poke at it, even if they don’t get it.