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Sorry to hear about youngest busyson's broken arm. Not a great time to be struggling to have fun with a cast getting in the way. I met a child some months ago who was wearing a waterproof cast

All the forbidden things were now possible - showers, swimming, playing with the garden hose. This kid was a regular swimmer and was training most days of the week, and apparently freaked right out when told that swimming would be banned. If these things are possible I wonder why they aren't used more of the time?
Resting and recharged - yep! I feel better today after my 5+ hour nap and 8+ hour sleep.

Broken bones aren't fun. I had a full leg cast once and the itching was terrible. Physio is easy to get into here. I think I had a week long wait to get into a good place after a car accident, and they couldn't start any physio anyway as I was still too injured. I also had it for my arm after a fall, as soon as they confirmed it wasn't broken which was done at their location. That time I waited about a week first before seeking any help, as I was sure it wasn't broken. A bit concerning when I got sent for xrays!
Pouring rain in spurts here. Saw youngestson's pic on FaceBook. He looked like an unhappy camper.,BusyMom.

Granddaughter is graduating from SIAST. -a year long HomeCare course. It is really her niche. Going to the Grad at noon. Just so we can hoot and

holler when they call her name. lol
aaah, crazyheart, congrats on grand daughter. Chemgal, hope today was a better day.

I have been doing the next step of packing tonight, putting clothes and gear into the appropriate mesh bags , checking them off, making sure that I am not forgetting anything. The time is getting close to be heading west.
Thanks Pinga, it was. I was cautious about overdoing anything just in case. In and out for some gardening but it was hot and you can barely tell I expanded the weed cleared areas. My face is irritated, not burnt, I think just too much heat & sun, it's hot out. We've been having thunder for about an hour, I think it will pour any minute, which will be nice. I've been storing my medication on the main floor, I think I'll be moving it to the basement soon, it needs to stay below 25C.
I've been watching World War Z between doing laundry. I much preferred the science bit about mother nature so much more than the viruses are like cars in I Am Legend.
Blarg. Wishing and hoping and antihistamines didn't help my throat which started tightening up an hour ago. Ice cream only worked while I was eating it and for about 5 minutes afterwards. Chemguy with the berinert did. I was hoping not to go there. He did good, I liked a new vein (cuz I'm so hot right now) he tried it, but couldn't get it and go the 2nd. I wanted my arms to rest even though it was a throat thing. There's a block party tomorrow, hopefully with this extra dose and the extra sleep I had I will feel energized.
Up early this morning. I hope to get some chores done this morning. I ran out of steam after dinner last night - left a load of clothes in the dryer. I hate it when that happens - wrinkles. I turned it on to airfluff. Now I'd better go down and hang them up.
Meanwhile, Seelerman bought some date squares yesterday - a Pentecost group were having a bake sale at the mall. They are really good, and not a crumbly as usual. Help yourselves. I've got the coffee started.
I love date squares!

I hear you about the clothes in the dryer seeler :).

Congratulations crazyheart granddaughter-wishing you success in securing meaningful employment in your field in the days ahead. Did you woot loudly, crazyheart? I heard of a few grads yesterday. One in a neighbouring community, and a friend attended one down south. Our local high school grad is this coming Thursday.

Hope today brings new hope and restoration chemgal.

A few chores to do around here today. Son and girlfriend coming for a visit at cabin next weekend - need to get things spiffed up.

Thinking of you as you pack, Pinga - that can be time-consuming and take a lot of thought. Excited for you and your trip.

Roomies - any exciting Saturday and weekend plans?
Hey everyone :) Nice to see you all! And Busymom! SO GOOD to see you!! Sorry about his wrist, what a lousy start to the summer. It reminds me of the year my daughter had tonsils out on the very first day of summer vacation. That took the wind out of her for a couple of weeks.

Wish us well on various job interviews - my house will be a better place if our kids get jobs. In fact, on top of well-wishes, I'll take crossed fingers and prayers, and lucky rabbit's feet and whatever you've got.

Oh! And I"m on vacation starting Sunday afternoon - very very nice!
Beloved - the dryer load was ok. Fortunately it was just a pair of Seelerman's jeans, my navy around-the-house shorts, and his dark socks. Nothing I'll have to get the iron out for.
And after last nights relaxing, I'm feeling fit today. I've been out in the yard clearing maple saplings from my perinial patch. My, those winged seeds do grow up fast - I'd have a maple forest if I left them. (I suspect that they are also coming up from some young maple trees that we removed but didn't dig out the roots.)
I did some nice growth - my lupines and cornflowers are in bloom; my Solomon's Seal just past its prime but still graceful, and my hostas growing vigerously. Phlox and day lilies will be a bit longer. And ground cover of various kinds will soon have to be pulled up by the handfuls before it takes over completely. Oh yes, my Irises are almost done.
I've got pansies and violas in planters. They are looking good. We've had enough rain that I haven't worried about watering them - something that sometimes happens with planters.

I'm glad you like the date squares, Pinga.
And now that its near lunch, I have a four-bean salad to be served on baby spinach leaves.
You know, I look forward to growing old in this room. To gathering to catch up. To celebrating births, and sadly to I am sure as life is not infinite, honouring lives well lived.

I look forward to remembering the stories from those who aged before me, and their wisdom in finances and health.
I look forward to listening to the stories of the young who enter.

You gift me with these daily stories of life.
Birthstone - good luck on the summer employment jobs for those in your home - sometimes it takes perseverance and innovation and searching, but sometimes they are out there. I think summer jobs teach youth much about life and give them a better picture of what they want in their future. I hope all yours are successful. And . . . enjoy your vacation!

Saw my first wild rose bloom yesterday . . . many, many will follow - will have to get camera out when it stops raining.
The grad was......boring, of course as we listened to speeches and watched them hand out hundreds of diplomas.

A few of my impressions: Professors and Government folk etc. should take a preaching course

They don't know how to project and that part was quite boring..

Crazy granddaughter wan near the end and I whooped the loudest ( I forgot I wasn't CrazyHeart in real life)

She has been working in HomeCare for the past two weeks. She was invited to work at many places. No shortage of these kind of jobs and

Grannies are her specialty wherever she goes.

As an aside. Halfway through the Grad, a smell permeated the air. My crazy daughter said " some ones' diaper needs changing. I would know that smell anywhere." hahahahahaha
Grads are always boring until the special name is called - then we are so proud to see them walk across the stage. Congratulations for your granddaughter. Mine graduates from high school next year - we hope.

I'm planning to try posting an avatar in the next few days. If I can't manage it, I'll have to call in Seelergirl or a friend to help. Why, or why can't a exceptional person like me manage the simplist of computer skills (or even feel confident setting a clock radio).
Seeler, I am sure that one of us could get on a phone and help you as well, if you needed it. I want a picture of me, but, not one that shows me exactly, just gives you an idea. I will change it later.

I spent the afternoon with my Dad, and the morning with my family. Trying to get as much time in with Dad before i leave, and things for him to do ponder. He is doing well, but, he is of course, getting older. It was a good afternoon.

***waves to Tabitha & everyone

The room is busy, it's a hubbub of activity. So good to have everyone here, good to see someone take care of the person before, or sometimes, all of the folks in the row. Other times, just to visit and share their own news.

Working on fixing my youngestsons' computer now....another thing to check off before leving.
The one thing at work that I don't like is when people don't tell me about a problem until the system is well and truly broke.
Why? It means that I have to do the layers of the onion. Keep working through issues until I get to the final item that is breaking all.

So tonight, I am working on a machine that has been neglected for way too long.
Not youngestson's fault -- he's just too patient about stuff....but oh my goodness, is this puppy ever sick.

The good news is that wondercafe2 has lots to play with to keep me busy while I run programs and kill stuff