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today did not go so well. it hurts quite a bit to use my left hand. the spot we used today was just way too sensitive i gave up and let the nurse take over

feeling a bit sorry for myself - hoping the posts here will cheer me up
We have a special Benevolent offering once a month, although people can and do donate at any time. However it costs at least $500 a week to give vouchers to 20 people - more if they are for families. That's a lot - and a few other programs benefit from the fund as well. We had planned to close for the summer months - we close our church and join another for July - so it was actually only a week earlier closing.

Hopefully our clients can find other sources of help. They won't have heating bills, or school lunches to pack. It will be easier for them to get to and from the foodbank that is located at an old garden centre outside of town. And fresh vegetables will be in season - some may have gardens or know others who have gardens - and our poorest clients might save on rent by giving up their rooms and living outside in the warm weather (we have a few homeless or near homeless people - most live in rooming houses or over-priced run-down apartments).

I'll be spending part of my summer looking after Grandson. He doesn't care for day-camp programs, so his mother has made arrangements for his big sister, Grampy and me, and his other Grandmother to watch him. I hope to arrange a few out-of-town excursions for him - and fill other days with interesting things to do or make. He likes cooking and science. Some nature walks would be good for us both. And maybe a day picking strawberries. And he can come bowling with me once or twice.
Wow, Seeler, that is a great program of outreach. I am impressed. It isn't only the $$ of course, it is the volunteer hours, building space and so on. You really have a wonderful church community.

Enjoy your time with your grandson.
Thanks Seeler. I had a really long nap. I was pretty much up for about 30 minutes after my last post here, I'll have to check 2-something 3-something? and I slept until 8. Chemguy actually ended up home really early, which is a bit frustrating as he could have treated me tonight instead of the appointment, but it's also really nice to have him here. He got me up from the couch into bed. Good thing - my legs are aching. I think I would have still been sleeping otherwise. When it comes to my body, the extreme possibilities always come to mind now. I usually don't actually think I have them - just a quick passing thought. I made Chemguy google rhabdomyolysis for symptoms and to double check my meds with that. He thinks I'm a little nutty at times, asked me if it was a real thing or a word I made up and made me spell it about 5 times lol. I highly doubt it's actually rhabdo, but they just ache so much right now. I was probably clenching my muscles with the wrist pain and it never takes much to set off issues with my soft tissue.

I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be better with maybe the exception of my sleep schedule :)
I took youngest busyson to his soccer game tonight. While playing, he went to kick the ball, missed and landed backwards. He stayed down so his coach ran out to the field, and eventually called me over. He has broken two bones just above his wrist! We spent the majority of the evening at the hospital. He has been really good about it (very brave as they aligned his arm, put a cast on, had to take the cast off to align AGAIN and then cast again). Sure makes me appreciate our community hospital and the excellent health care that we have.
It is good to have evenings like that Tabitha. Recharging the batteries is necessary from time to time.

I've been watching the news about the strike. It is unfortunate when it comes to this.
Aaah, busymom, hugs for youngestson. What a way to start your summer. Any idea on how long the cast has to stay on?

Tabitha, strikes are not fun for anyone. Hope it passes soon for all.
The orthopedic specialist is to call this morning to set up an appointment. Hah! Those are words I didn't think I'd be saying when I woke up yesterday! Fluke accident it was! The doctor last night thought 6 weeks with the cast, as long as surgery isn't needed. It could be a long summer for the poor fella. Unfortunately any plans of swimming and playing soccer have gone down the tubes. His siblings are away the first 2 weeks of July. I am really not sure what he will do with his time!
oh dear, poor busyfamily. Two breaks does not sound good, so important to get the specialist engaged. Well, he will have lots of stories in later life of the summer he broke his wrist. Have him think of creative ways to tell folks that he broke it! I was skydiving, when...... I was outrunning a bear when...
Funny Pinga! I just called the school and talked to his teacher to see if there was anything he should be working on. "We are working on essays entitled 'My worst day'" Seriously! I think Sam has something to write about!
I took youngest busyson to his soccer game tonight. While playing, he went to kick the ball, missed and landed backwards. He stayed down so his coach ran out to the field, and eventually called me over. He has broken two bones just above his wrist! We spent the majority of the evening at the hospital. He has been really good about it (very brave as they aligned his arm, put a cast on, had to take the cast off to align AGAIN and then cast again). Sure makes me appreciate our community hospital and the excellent health care that we have.

Oh no! Poor guy! Especially at this time of year. Just went through an episode of a broken wrist with my sis these last months. Cast is off, but motion is not great. Thinking of busyson as he goes through a time of cast wearing, and then recovery, but he is young and will probably heal quickly. Thinking of Busymom who will be taking care of him over the next while :).
Thanks Beloved. It is his non-dominant wrist. Actually I guess it is the forearm....ulna and radius have been broken. It is alarming to me how little I seem to know about anatomy! :oops:
Good morning all!

I'm thinking of all the roomies who have ventured into this room over the last weeks. It is a great place to "BE". A great place to share, catch up, vent, and cry. And also a great place just to find a quiet space and just be. I'm thinking of the friendships that are taking place in this room already, and the new ones that will be formed as new roomies post and share when they are ready. I am looking forward to meeting new friends here.

It is a dull, gray, very wet Manitoba morning. It started raining last night and continued throughout the night and still yet. My garden and grass will be well watered.

Here in the room early morning it is cozy and warm. Kettle has been boiled and tea is awaiting, coffee is perked and ready for the taking, fresh fruit and cheese is on the counter, those who want to visit are sitting around the kitchen table, and those who want quiet, reflective time are snuggled under blankies on easy chairs. A coffee table book has been placed on one of the end tables that has beautiful, serene photographs and uplifting encouraging quotes for those that are needing that.

May your day hold an abundance of hope, peace, joy, and love . . . may your day be brightened by a smile or a kind word, and may you give those in return to others who are needing.
Busymom - I'm sorry to hear about Busyyoungest. I wish you lived within driving distance - our boys could hang out together a few times and we could arrange excursions together. I'm not sure how old your children are now (Busydaaughter is near the age of Granddaughter I think) but they could probably find something in common.
I broke my arm at 8 years old and spent 9 weeks in a cast. The first six weeks it was a big heavy thing that reached from my shoulder to the middle joint in my fingers. I can still feel the pain when the nurse forced me to straiten my fingers several times a day - the itching under the cast when the healing started. And worst - my active imagination - I saw a little garter snake one day and for the next few days imagined that snake crawling under my cast, even though I knew it wasn't true. Yuk! I hope things go better for your boy.
My arm was find after the bones set - although I continued to favour it. Now-a-days I probably would have had physiotherapy to get my strength back.
Seeler, the doc didn't refer my sis to physio - which I did think was strange - just showed her a few exercises. But, I guess in hindsight, here you wait a long time (months) to get into physio, so he probably thought he was doing what would be better for her anyway.