Evening Thoughts

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I think some subspecies are really better than others, juicer and more savory.
That must be the German heritage you were talking about?
Though my grandma is Italian she lived in a mixed German and Italian village and learned a lot of recipes with the German neighbors. My grandfather is half German, half Italian but culturally German, as he didn't have any contact with his father's side (who was the Italian one). So German food is their daily thing.
Phew. Now that I've sat down I'm pooped. It was an eventful day. A couple hours at the hospital, a late lunch then laundry. I almost didn't do the laundry and now I'm glad I did.

I have some tea here. Are you guys sharing those delicious looking treats?
I have some tea here.
Curious how the weather affects our tastes. I learned to really appreciate tea here, during winter. Now I'm a big tea drinker. Winter and tea make a great pair.
My pastry recipe is completely German/Lutheran. My biscuit/scone techniques from my Mom.

My evening thought is that I miss my Mom. I had a nice facebook yack with my youngest sister tonight. There are wyrd connections between them and my daughter.

Also, English people from England drink tea, hot, regardless of weather.