What Legacy Does Trump Leave?

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Wow. What are you smoking @Mystic ?

Can you imagine Trump opposing his best friend who was the truth of the Russian connection? Everything else was a lie.

Then consider the limited god system instead of an eternal god that is better distributed ... then there is this blinding effect of the flash of power ... exploding emotions, versus the sloe heat of the night!
Imagine the essence of truth going down in defeat ... according to the winners ... thus supporting the theory that truth is hidden, subdued, sacred and out of reach of the winners ... certainly an underground party!

Consider depths in counter to the super vicious ... big business trends ... mega temple ... or big headed?!

Now if kindness is inserted as an essence in a demanding environment can you see something parasitic as a counter ... thus sucking the life out of one side? Recall that balance of given (ad onus) and take (dark thief) may generate grey matter requiring cultivation. Winners will try and beat this to death ... thus dead heads in such environments leading to brain drains ... into the swamp they go while some leaders try and beat it ... but they can't humble themselves enough for the underwrite ... deep immaterial essence sometime represented as dungeon beadles ... resembling crawdads or Dungeness critters ... deep Çae things that clean up the bones of the story ... un Çae neigh? Something that many cannot ponder in depth because it is too close to reality and not virtue ...
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Does vigilance involve some moderate prejudice to avail winners running off with all the emotional content?

This is sometimes called balanced prophecy ... hated by hard winners that cannot accept the quantum part of God ... inclusive of everything! Some exceptions may be instanced ... just for imp-acts!
Mystic, most in your community seem to live in a bubble of unreality. Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban when he ordered the Afghan government to release hundreds of Taliban prisoners. Trump preferred dealing with dictators to dealing with democratically elected leaders. If Trump was in power, he probably would have insisted on Ukraine agreeing to Russia's terms to give up on joining NATO and letting go of the Donbas
Wow. What are you smoking @Mystic ?

Welcome to Politics :3

This might be an opportunity for you, sans your Politics, to learn from an outside pov?

There are different reasons why someone votes for someone or even supports them?

Like I still hold Obama in regard even tho he is responsible for murdering children and tightening the global surveillance state, among other nasty things?

It all comes down to what we believe in, what trade offs we can accept

All politicians are like this
Mystic, most in your community seem to live in a bubble of unreality. Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban when he ordered the Afghan government to release hundreds of Taliban prisoners. Trump preferred dealing with dictators to dealing with democratically elected leaders. If Trump was in power, he probably would have insisted on Ukraine agreeing to Russia's terms to give up on joining NATO and letting go of the Donbas

Bless you for taking this opportunity to learn aboot a possible outside pov :3

We can whataboutism any politician?

A good metaphor for 45 and the reaction to him is that people in USA are literally living in two different movies. They can both hear the same words and think 2 completely different things? Like his "on both sides" comment at that idiot Charlottesville rally? Or him "injecting bleach"?

See my comment to Northwind, above

The US unfortunately has a unique problem of being so politically polarized that the average Dem cannot grok the average GOP. And that is very very bad.

And too much actual propaganda going on. FBI involved in Jan 6. An important Jan 6 hearing that, unlike how it would be treated here, they hired a veteran tv producer to make it slick ("TV Friendly")...I much prefer CSPAN. Or how the Canadian Emergency Act hearings have been going; very good and detailed factual stuff.

USA has a party with too many people who seem to want oligarchy and who seem to be constantly fighting fact based professions

And they have another party who are too deep using division by identity to get what they want (i much prefer them, tho)

The country, sans 45, is deeply deeply fubar'd

And I wish that did not come here :3

A funny Russian joke
A russian and a USAian are on a plane.
USAian: Comerade, its amazing the lies that are coming from your country.
Russian: I know, I know. It has alwayd been such. How do you deal with it in your country?
USAian: what?

Take this all as an opportunity to learn

There are powerful forces (mua ha ha) that have been manipulating us willyilly and not all are working together

Lest we forget, do look at The Manufacture of Consent. It is still happening.

Have fun, folx :3
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Yet around here Trump is widely regarded as our greatest president since Lincoln: e. g. Operation Warp Speed, border security, a conservative Supreme Court that will soon overturn or gut Roe vs. Wade, etc. Also, it is widely believed that Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine with a strong, mercurial and unpredictable leader like Trump in power. Conversely, Trudeau is now widely regarded as a mindless Fascist, who reflects badly on Canadian political tastes!

As for me, I believe that the Jan. 6 committee is unwittingly doing Republicans a favor by making it less likely that Trump can regain the presidency. If Trump runs, he will lose, but then claim that he actually won! With the coming Democratic holocaust in the Midterm elections, the right moderate Republican (Nicky Haley?) is likely to also win the presidency, giving Republicans the presidency, the House, and the Senate.
How do you feel aboot DeSantis in 2024?
No "President" other than Trump has ever, EVER, whined about the election being rigged against him, not even Al Gore, who had much more justification for questioning the outcome. None. Never. (Of course, maybe circumstances will change if Mike Lindell ever gets around to releasing his evidence... *crickets*)

No "President" other than Trump ever thought dropping a nuclear weapon into the eye of a hurricane was a good idea.

No "President" other than Trump thought injecting disinfectant into one's body would be helpful (as one could easily see, if one reads warnings on the labels of the substances in question).

No "President" other than Trump would have thought that tossing out rolls of paper towels to devastated hurricane victims was sufficient aid.

No "President" other than Trump would think they could change the course of a hurricane armed with nothing but a Sharpie.

No "President" other than Trump would seem so surprised to discover that Puerto Rice was an island "surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water." (That's a direct quote, by the way.)

No "President" other than Trump has ever concocted the foolishness that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer. None. Not ever.

No other "President" than Trump leaves such a legacy as this. None. Not ever.
Oh, and let us not forget the Trump History Lesson, on how the American colonists of the 1770's won the Revolutionary War in large part by taking over the airports. That, too, is pure Trumpian legacy.
Oh, and let us not forget the Trump History Lesson, on how the American colonists of the 1770's won the Revolutionary War in large part by taking over the airports. That, too, is pure Trumpian legacy.

Does that not define myth as indeterminate conceptions as everything integral to god evolves ... including word as an icon ... chaos and frustration is thus maintained by insane leadership ... the greatest of goals! Allows the driving out of intelligence to the horizon or what some call a fringe ... it dips!
I haven't heard anything about a Trump Presidential Library, either. I assume it would be chock-a-block with Dick meets Jane tomes, and a billion or so copies of Trump's "writing".
I'm betting if such an institution as that would come into existence, you would have to supply your own crayons.
Oh, and let us not forget the Trump History Lesson, on how the American colonists of the 1770's won the Revolutionary War in large part by taking over the airports. That, too, is pure Trumpian legacy.

Correction: American Terrorists :3

I haven't heard anything about a Trump Presidential Library, either. I assume it would be chock-a-block with Dick meets Jane tomes, and a billion or so copies of Trump's "writing".

That would be part of the Bush, Jr Wing? :3
I'm betting if such an institution as that would come into existence, you would have to supply your own crayons.
Free Market bay-bee lol