TRUMP - Some people think......... How do you feel?

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Last Night in Sweden

a guy i've come to appreciate over the last year is Dave Rubin who is fortunate enough to interview guests from a variety of worlds...part of the new media that i have seen developing, that of ordinary folks like you and me talking with people around the world...this is the future now...

Ideas know no borders anymore
They can mix more and more freely
For both good and ill and neutral
How far are we prepared to go before we acknowledge that legislation is designed to protect the legislators from the legislated and not the other way around.

Such reciprocal intellect ... how absurd to those with the brute forces on their side of the abstract line ... sort of like Maginot ... whoda thought it would fall ?
Bette the Red, I'm afraid you're dead right. Most people don't have the information to vote intelligently. Our news media are dreadfully weak on that. Then you get the hordes who vote Liberal or Conservative because they always have. Truthful news is rare. Public discussion of it is rarer still. And most people would rather be conventional and like everyone else - with the same opinion as everybody else.

And the Greens and the NDP are much too wimpy. Changing the direction we going in a massive task that neither party is prepared for.

Is naïveté a sacred plot (conspiracy, plan, etc.)? Who would ignorance assist?

Som would say to me ... don't talk that way ...
One more time ...
  • “The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth.
  • Truth has a power of its own. Art has a power of its own. That age-old lesson – that everything we do matters – is the meaning of the people’s struggle here in the United States and everywhere. A poem can inspire a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution. Civil disobedience can arouse people and provoke us to think, when we organize with one another, when we get involved, when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress. We live in a beautiful country. But people who have no respect for human life, freedom, or justice have taken it over. It is now up to all of us to take it back.”
Howard Zinn, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress

Should we call that subtle, underhanded or just hypo Theo et'ics ... word depth is important too ...
Democracy requires citizens and not consumers. Each of us must critically engage the meaning and purpose of our own experience, in the light of history. To live from within is the antidote to being oppressed from without. One by one we will rise and overcome the fear of death and those who deploy it as a means to social constraint and manipulation. A cloud of witnesses to truth, raining blessing on the land. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Sentiment or conviction?

Impunge the individual with fear and anger of the unknown ... and they'll back of the powers and not know what deh elle is going on ... something to ponder!
You felt compelled to show us a shouty man superimposing himself over two CNN anchors dishing on the least important criticisms of Donald Trump?

It would have been more awesome if he used a Russian accent, but I'll take what I can get.
You felt compelled to show us a shouty man superimposing himself over two CNN anchors dishing on the least important criticisms of Donald Trump?

It would have been more awesome if he used a Russian accent, but I'll take what I can get.
oh pull-ease

go have a coke
Now they are all using gutter talk. Trump should not be able

to look people in the eye. "she will do anything" Indeed!!!
oh pull-ease

go have a coke
I think CNN are anti-Trump. I'm not sure how anyone except for the few who will benefit from his tax changes can be for him. He is the opposite of a Christian, and he is gleefully using Christians, like you, by saying what you want to hear. While his policies (those he does have) would hurt most working families. His primary goal is to undo everything Obama did. Otherwise, he is extremely open to whatever the GOP comes up with to replace the ACA, so long as it's no longer Obamacare. He said more people would get better coverage for less money. All three aspects were a lie. That's the huge thing people should still be on him about, but instead they are talking about Diet Coke. I agree, that's stupid, but this is what passes for politcal commentary. CNN is not immune. Fox couldn't get over it when Obama asked for dijon mustard. That was a scandal for Fox. Obama's tan suit was another. Howard Dean had to step down because he shouted at a campaign rally.

What the US has is a president who thinks Christians are idiots and will do whatever he wants if he says "Jesus" and "Merry Christmas" and "ban abortion", and he appears to be right about the idiots. With cuts to education and the demonization of higher learning, they want to raise more idiots. That's what needs to be opposed, not his diet, which may or may not include a case of Diet Coke a day.

What's obvious, is that he does watch a lot of daytime TV for a "busy" man. If any working person knew as much about daytime news and opinion coverage on FoxNews, MSNBC and CNN, they would be fired. Many of Trump's tweets are obvious responses to what is on cable news. That's not incredibly important either, but it shows he is obsessed with his image and if he is watching that much TV, what is he ignoring? Here is a man who gets the most detailed intelligence briefings in the world (assuming they've not all been dumbed down to 3 bullet points, each containing his name for no reason by now), and should be miles ahead of what gets covered, and he's watching TV news.

There are so many things to criticize Donald Trump about, and people do. What you're being told by the media you watch is to react to the worst criticisms and use those to de-legitimize entire news sources. It's whataboutism, and you buy it every time.
I think CNN are anti-Trump. I'm not sure how anyone except for the few who will benefit from his tax changes can be for him. He is the opposite of a Christian, and he is gleefully using Christians, like you, by saying what you want to hear. While his policies (those he does have) would hurt most working families. His primary goal is to undo everything Obama did. Otherwise, he is extremely open to whatever the GOP comes up with to replace the ACA, so long as it's no longer Obamacare. He said more people would get better coverage for less money. All three aspects were a lie. That's the huge thing people should still be on him about, but instead they are talking about Diet Coke. I agree, that's stupid, but this is what passes for politcal commentary. CNN is not immune. Fox couldn't get over it when Obama asked for dijon mustard. That was a scandal for Fox. Obama's tan suit was another. Howard Dean had to step down because he shouted at a campaign rally.

What the US has is a president who thinks Christians are idiots and will do whatever he wants if he says "Jesus" and "Merry Christmas" and "ban abortion", and he appears to be right about the idiots. With cuts to education and the demonization of higher learning, they want to raise more idiots. That's what needs to be opposed, not his diet, which may or may not include a case of Diet Coke a day.

What's obvious, is that he does watch a lot of daytime TV for a "busy" man. If any working person knew as much about daytime news and opinion coverage on FoxNews, MSNBC and CNN, they would be fired. Many of Trump's tweets are obvious responses to what is on cable news. That's not incredibly important either, but it shows he is obsessed with his image and if he is watching that much TV, what is he ignoring? Here is a man who gets the most detailed intelligence briefings in the world (assuming they've not all been dumbed down to 3 bullet points, each containing his name for no reason by now), and should be miles ahead of what gets covered, and he's watching TV news.

There are so many things to criticize Donald Trump about, and people do. What you're being told by the media you watch is to react to the worst criticisms and use those to de-legitimize entire news sources. It's whataboutism, and you buy it every time.

actually , if you look at all the news, left, right and independent online, there is a war going on and sit being played out by the media , civil war by propaganda,

one thing Hillary was right about was , information war, question is who will control it? the controller is King

Is information equitable with intelligence or is intelligence often mistaken for the lack of it in fake Nous ... really num bin ous ...!!!!!!