TRUMP - Some people think......... How do you feel?

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I think the important thing is not to swerve too far or too fast in any given direction. I worry that some aspects of the MeToo movement are ripe for abuse from false claims. We see that every time an Antifa-related person does something stupid, that brings out the false equivalences with actual Nazis. All sides are fighting for public opinion with rhetoric and examples, but there are some clear bad players in the room, like the Breitbarts and Infowars that blackbelt consumes like candy, who demonstrably lie and promote hate on a regular basis, but their followers will just point to some mistake by CNN and announce the other side is worse.

The sad thing is, people do not have or take the time to understand issues. They react on headlines, and that gets everyone in trouble. The sound bite is all that gets heard any more. The challenge then, becomes to fight sound bites with better sound bites that are better informed and if possible, more clever. Educating he general population on, say, Israel, or climate change, is a noble goal. And we should do that. But we also need to fight the propagandists at their own game. It helps that many of them are morons. Not everyone will be swayed, but like my "discussions" with religious fundamentalists, the primary audience is not necessarily the person you're responding to.
I think the important thing is not to swerve too far or too fast in any given direction.

The sad thing is, people do not have or take the time to understand issues. They react on headlines, and that gets everyone in trouble. Educating the general population on, say, Israel, or climate change, is a noble goal. And we should do that.

I agree.

Is Israel unique worldwide in keeping millions of people as chattel?
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No, but neither are they alone in being in a region that is completely and utterly f***ed up. Both sides have committed atrocities. Even that word has lost meaning. There is no "good guy" in this fight. And one of the main thing standing in the way of peace is what each side sees as their holy land, given to them by God. Same God, two claims, and the idiot Christians have thrown down with one side because they think the Jews will be convinced that their third side is ultimately correct. It is beyond stupid, but that's the situation.
Well there should be no more doubt in anybodies mind about what the US agenda really is and who 'Trump' is playing for - the rogue state of Israel - with flagrant disregard for every other nation on earth - openly supporting the genocide of the Palestinians - kick starting a war with Lebanon and Iran - and controlled demolition of America. Why, one might ask, would the agenda of these 'psychopaths' (calling them idiots is far too kind) be to implode the USA?

It is one big, dare I say, 'Zionist' influenced puppet show ... and the goal is to remove the US dollar as global reserve currency and introduce an entirely new economic system to run 'digital' world trade. China's One Belt, One Road initiative? Whatever ... it is too crazy to even begin to comprehend any more. Criminals are running the world - we have to stop complying with the system.
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How far are we prepared to go before we acknowledge that legislation is designed to protect the legislators from the legislated and not the other way around.
and what exactly do you two think that 'we', the 99. probably point 99%, can do about anything? I'm having no luck talking anyone into voting green. I notice that Alt Representation continually goes nowhere. My children are too tired from earning a living to care.
We can practice creative resistance and encourage others to do so. Will we succeed? Albert Camus thinks it unlikely. Even so, he notes the joy of companions saying no to the way of power by saying yes to the way of service.
i'd say better yourself first
sort yourself out
then when u have that done, gradually expand from there (family, neighbours, etc)

also here is a link with some good suggestions
CONTRARY BRIN: Visualizing the future - and ways you can change it (starting around one quarter down from the top...)
and 4 Practical Ways To Help In A Disaster - Business Connect World

i dunno if Canada has CERT?

stop worrying aboot the whole world so much
that'll drive ya crazy lol
there are least 7 billion different points of view on this Earth; each with our own capacities ideas dreams...
each of which has the capacity as never before to spread their ideas to others, plant seeds, organize, etc
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Bette the Red, I'm afraid you're dead right. Most people don't have the information to vote intelligently. Our news media are dreadfully weak on that. Then you get the hordes who vote Liberal or Conservative because they always have. Truthful news is rare. Public discussion of it is rarer still. And most people would rather be conventional and like everyone else - with the same opinion as everybody else.

And the Greens and the NDP are much too wimpy. Changing the direction we going in a massive task that neither party is prepared for.
One more time ...
  • “The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth.
  • Truth has a power of its own. Art has a power of its own. That age-old lesson – that everything we do matters – is the meaning of the people’s struggle here in the United States and everywhere. A poem can inspire a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution. Civil disobedience can arouse people and provoke us to think, when we organize with one another, when we get involved, when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress. We live in a beautiful country. But people who have no respect for human life, freedom, or justice have taken it over. It is now up to all of us to take it back.”
Howard Zinn, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
well, people have exerted their powers in the past. And in the past, it created the reign of Hitler,, the creation of all the western empires. And they all thought they were following the truth, and usually with God's blessing.
I'm having no luck talking anyone into voting green.
Try convincing people not to vote at all!
My children are too tired from earning a living to care.
And therein lies this mother's broken heart. I am seriously crying just to have read that - my children too - too tired from 'earning' a living. I am so overwhelmed with the seeming futility of resistance, creative or otherwise, when it falls on me to try to encourage my 'children' to 'keep trying' when more often than not I myself want to give up.
well, people have exerted their powers in the past. And in the past, it created the reign of Hitler,, the creation of all the western empires. And they all thought they were following the truth, and usually with God's blessing.
It is obvious then that the power of truth has nothing to do with creating reigning empires and it is equally obvious that those intents and purposes to power have not been blessed.
Democracy requires citizens and not consumers. Each of us must critically engage the meaning and purpose of our own experience, in the light of history. To live from within is the antidote to being oppressed from without. One by one we will rise and overcome the fear of death and those who deploy it as a means to social constraint and manipulation. A cloud of witnesses to truth, raining blessing on the land. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Sentiment or conviction?