So, what are you listening to these days?

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Happy headbanging ape!!
What music, radio programs, whatever do you listen to as you go about your day? Could be in the car, at the office, at home as you do things, whatever.

On in the car while driving to work and noodling about London:

"The Mission" by Styx. Yes, they are still going, with three original members plus others (including Canadian Lawrence Gowan) who joined in the nineties to replace originals who left. And, to be honest, The Mission would probably sound much the same if it came out in the band's heyday of the late seventies and early eighties. Even without the distinctive voice of original lead singer Dennis DeYoung (Gowan has quite ably replaced him), this is very clearly Styx. And that's both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing if you're a fan of eighties rock or at least old enough to remember albums like "Paradise Theatre" and "Grand Illusion" and a curse if you're neither. It's a concept album about a mission to Mars and has some memorable and so-so Styx songs on it.
In the car, I listen to whichever radio station isn't playing commercials. I realised that I like Twenty-One Pilots by flipping around that way and have since bought their album.
Depends on my mood, talk radio, jazz, rock, classical, country, moldy oldies...etc.. Sometimes I pop in one of my pre mixed tapes when I just want to listen to my favourites.
In the car, I listen to whichever radio station isn't playing commercials. I realised that I like Twenty-One Pilots by flipping around that way and have since bought their album.

I do that sometimes, too. It's amazing how limited the radio selection is in a market of c. half a million people (if you count Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin Counties including the cities of London and St. Thomas), though. Since my phone is paired with car's audio system through Bluetooth, I keep some favorite CD sets on my phone to play and also get music from various apps that support Bluetooth streaming.

I'm currently using Hoopla, a music and video lending app that the public library subscribes to. Music loans are for a week, which is enough time to check out an album. Downsides: app isn't really as capable as, say, Spotify or Google Play Music and you only get 10 checkouts a month including both music and videos.
What am I listening 2 these days?

My phone is festooned with them.
The old days of radio are here again.
So much variety.
The Podcasts I currently have
Archive 81
The Black Tapes
The Light of September
Greater Boston
The Bright Sessions
The Tim Ferris Show
The Joe Rogan Experience
19Nocturne Boulevard
The Far Meridian
Hi-Phi Nation
Liberty Serialized Sfi-Fi Audio Dramas
Role Playing Public Radio
Technical Difficulties
Where Did the Road Go?
Team Human
The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers
Play Better Podcast
Silver Screen Queens
The Jordan B. Petetson Podcast
The Good Friends of Jackson Elias
Miskatonic University
Skype of Cthulhu
The Bible Geek Show
One Shot
The Lovecraft Tapes
Darkest Night
How We Roll
The Redacted Files
Vendetta Effect
Waking Up with Sam Harris
The Higherside Chats
The Dark Tome
The Drunk and the Ugly
Louder with Crowder
The Rubin Report
Beef and Dairy Network
You Are Not So Smart
The Grognard RPG Files
The Girls in the Back Row
Nerd's Domain
Stuff to Blow Your Mind
Tangentially Speaking
Howard Bloom Saves the Universe
The Lovecraft Geek
We'll See You in Hell
Into the IMpossible
The Bridge
The Gnostic Warrior
Nerdy Show
Now or Never
The Unspeakable Oath
The Deep Vault
The Delvers
Social Media Unscrambled
Massive Change Radio Archive
Spider on the Web
Cthulhu On Parade
Breaking the Glass Slipper
Campaign Comedy
Cthulhu on Parade
Fantastic Fiction at KGB

always searching 4 more
Another album from Hoopla on in the car the last couple days: "Nostalgia" by Annie Lennox. I knew Annie had been singing some "standards" having heard her sing "I Put a Spell on You" live, but didn't realize she had a whole album out. Very good renditions of some classic jazz and pop songs.
Critical denial as another limited Christian ... and de light goes on beyond the isolated ... mortal-Isis? Whoa man of death's onus ...
Thanks John. That's how I meant it. Sorry, my 'l,' 'll' confusion.

This is all I'll say on the matter. We have a member named Hilary. It was reported as an attack. We've discussed this and this was the decision we made. Mind your manners and everything will be fine.