Can one follow Christ and not be a "Christian"?

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Pavlos Maros -----


have a great weekend

If you had any sense of irony, unsafe, you'd find this post deeply cognitively dissonant.
That's not the line. The line is, "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike."

Totally changes the sentence and is more clever.

I'm intrigued by chansen and Pavlos -and their dogged determination to spend so much time attacking the beliefs of others.
Why ? It's clearly not working for them.

But chansen has solved the riddle - it's about letting folks know how clever you are.
Okay, you're both clearly clever........
Pavlos Maros -----


have a great weekend

Great to have one other to talk to about nothing ... what my grandfather called God and respected as it could come to get him ... it did and now he is a metaphysical formation ... existing in a place that is incarnate ... appearing as isn't in word!

Some even say not to mention the dead ... ineffable? They may return ... God get a grip on them and keep them out of my imagination ...
I am not very comfortable defending religion or christianity ... because I have no allegiance to either. There is a 'longing' in me that nothing seems to satisfy ... judging by all the speculation of what 'it' is I am not the only one ... 'Christ' consciousness?
I don't know but I want to ...

A mind emptying process ... a burnt out mind? Scott Peck and perhaps one of those books on myth (J Campbell) mentioned that as a mind ... an imaginary thingy! You cannot control them as they are often found in Runes ... fragmented ... fractal ... they may fly off ... and thus resemble ephemeral forms ... flighty? Good God an ecce antes ...
The former isn't just not clever, it's wrong for many examples. The latter is clever because it makes people stop and think about what they believe.

Resembles satyr ... dark humor over the metaphor? And there it was set ... as near nothing ... when one looses thought about a passion ... could be a missal of miasma ... loosed in the milieu of life ... almost imaginary considering how it is trifled with in the media of mind and love ... Dan Goleman's field!

Nothing else fits as well through that small dark hell hole of the mind used for drawing out things .. into lines of what else ... word ... which is rejected by a populace! But they sure can generate it unconsciously ... without a thought the opinions flo' ...
The invisible and the non-existent do not appear to me at all alike.

Darker and darker still ... due to loss of levity ... that's my sunshine ...:)

God help us if the light goes out permanently ... we could be forever screwed by Machiavellian forces and un-principled nocturnal s ... incubi and succubi of the past ... in the blast you could get drawn in to the wake ... of a passing thought?

That could disturb the pool ... dissonance or Eris? Compare the words ... see it they fitz ...
BetteTheRed said:
So, love, which is invisible, is exactly the same as love, which is....non-existent?
Love isn't invisible nor is it non-existent. However you are welcome to show me where it is. if you can.
BetteTheRed said:
What I find strange is that, for some reason, you dismiss all people with any level of "theistic" beliefs,
The statement doesn't only address theistic beliefs. And no I don't, dismiss the people I dismiss the beliefs they claim are factual/true/real. I'm happy to converse in that subject as long as they don't try to pass it off as truth.
BetteTheRed said:
yet accept as capable of rational conversation plenty of people like mendalla and inanna, BetteTheRed, who both appear to have beliefs ABOUT the potential of Divinity which might be described as "non-theist". And is religion the problem?
Fixed it for you. All religion is an abase to humanity. "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." Steven Weinberg
Religion makes people hate harm and kill with impunity. No matter how much they will profess they are peace loving human their religion makes them do things that would not even consider without it. The adherents of religions are merely victims of brainwashing so really cannot be held accountable for there actions. even if those actions are abhorrent to non-religious people
BetteTheRed said:
If not, then Buddhism is okay (non-theist), while Hinduism is not (polytheistic)? And where do the hugely important human activities of story and myth fit in with your world view?
Haven't got a world view as you call it. I have an opinion based on reality. However stories and myth are just that stories and myth and should be kept, as fun things to read and learn about. Fiction is a wonderful thing, pure escapism. Fiction should never be a world view that is dangerous. Our beliefs aren't in a vacuum, they inform our actions. If your beliefs don't conform to reality, they could be harmful, to others. Case in point religious homophobia, misogynism, etc....
BetteTheRed said:
I'm not defending all of the beliefs of some of the more literal Christians here, but to dismiss every opinion held by a person just because they have a specific belief that YOU have decided is irrational is a strange way to "converse" or manage conversations.
Firstly I don't decide it's irrational reality does. Most of the time it is not espoused as an opinion it is espoused as fact. Look at unsafe in this very thread exerting that devils exist and there is a place called hell. And wait for it. For "Non-Believers" to go
BetteTheRed said:
You may be madly in love with your dog, a chihuahua. I might wonder why on earth you'd choose to spend time with such a vile creature (having been convinced, for life, that there is no good chihuahua). Which of us is "right"?
The one who take their ques from reality. if it were fact that chihuahuas were evil. then you would be taking your ques from reality and I would be delusional. Anybody that was madly in love with an animal, would be a lunatic anyway.
BetteTheRed said:
Who can be dismissed on principle on some part of their believe system BS that they choose to make visible?
The one with the irrational beliefs.
BetteTheRed said:
I can disagree with PG on issues of theology, and find him absolutely right in terms of barbecue
As can anybody, they're different subjects. Only irrational beliefs are dismissed, not the person, not any other views they may have. Just the irrational views.
BetteTheRed said:
I'm not entirely sure how GeoFee specifically defines "Divinity"; I know him as a person deeply rooted in active care for those among us who are most vulnerable, from the homeless to the sex worker to the child. Ask him about the danger of sugar- and caffeine-laden "empty calorie" drinks on child development, or the best way to 'spread' pastoral care in a neighbourhood, how to offer respectful help to downtown sex workers, you'll get some interesting responses.
On those things I willing to discuss. As long as he doesn't claim his belief in god is what prompted it, because that would be a crock.
BetteTheRed said:
I'm sure whatever similar improvements you've made to your environment during your lifetime have been in response to some ethic installed in you by your early environment.
A happy home, Without having religion pushed on me. Living within a very religious environment, Hindus Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and whomever. Having friends from many ethnicities and seeing the hatred between these different cults too. Did cause me to become a humanist, and to help humanity in best way I can.
Love isn't invisible nor is it non-existent. However you are welcome to show me where it is. if you can.
The statement doesn't only address theistic beliefs. And no I don't, dismiss the people I dismiss the beliefs they claim are factual/true/real. I'm happy to converse in that subject as long as they don't try to pass it off as truth.
Fixed it for you. All religion is an abase to humanity. "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." Steven Weinberg
Religion makes people hate harm and kill with impunity. No matter how much they will profess they are peace loving human their religion makes them do things that would not even consider without it. The adherents of religions are merely victims of brainwashing so really cannot be held accountable for there actions. even if those actions are abhorrent to non-religious people Haven't got a world view as you call it. I have an opinion based on reality. However stories and myth are just that stories and myth and should be kept, as fun things to read and learn about. Fiction is a wonderful thing, pure escapism. Fiction should never be a world view that is dangerous. Our beliefs aren't in a vacuum, they inform our actions. If your beliefs don't conform to reality, they could be harmful, to others. Case in point religious homophobia, misogynism, etc....
Firstly I don't decide it's irrational reality does. Most of the time it is not espoused as an opinion it is espoused as fact. Look at unsafe in this very thread exerting that devils exist and there is a place called hell. And wait for it. For "Non-Believers" to go
The one who take their ques from reality. if it were fact that chihuahuas were evil. then you would be taking your ques from reality and I would be delusional. Anybody that was madly in love with an animal, would be a lunatic anyway.
The one with the irrational beliefs.
As can anybody, they're different subjects. Only irrational beliefs are dismissed, not the person, not any other views they may have. Just the irrational views.
On those things I willing to discuss. As long as he doesn't claim his belief in god is what prompted it, because that would be a crock. A happy home, Without having religion pushed on me. Living within a very religious environment, Hindus Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and whomever. Having friends from many ethnicities and seeing the hatred between these different cults too. Did cause me to become a humanist, and to help humanity in best way I can.

Thus a Nous BS ... which due to some alien dominance ... someone will corrupt ... it is the nature of authority until we get beyond that BS ... a long way to go it appears ... as the crappy nebula is thick ... not as thin as Celtic places ... where Pete was dough out ... and burned ... warming the hearth lands ... how long before we can separate authority from the demos?

There are oily people working on it ... as if they were garc UNs ... boys that fish on the Nile ... where a fish is a gar ... thus that gnawing sensation in the mental pool! We could be figments of the eternal imagination ... temporal re sidings?

The skin must be replaced from time to time allowing for tanning ... disgusting observances on the beach? Boies; don't go there ... do you hear me ...?

They did anyway they could because of de baiting issues ... and mire maids ... extracting ... seminal mysteries? Thus tales are seeded ...
One must certainly grasp the subversive side of the myth ... since we didn't wish to know something or other ... the other being where the thought of such is altered ... given up ... sacrificed in the dark?

Tis can draw portions of strung intelligence right out of you as random genes ... swimmers?

Others get that dippy sensation ...
Love isn't invisible nor is it non-existent. However you are welcome to show me where it is. if you can.

The argument could be made that it is Love's effects that are visible but Love itself is not, being a pattern of chemical and neural activity inside the brain and body. Much like the fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, et al.). We can see the apple fall but we don't see the warping of spacetime that causes it to do so. We see the iron bar lifted by the magnet, but don't see the field lines without doing some kind of experiment like putting the magnet on a sheet of paper covered with iron filings (and even then, we are using the effects to make them visible rather than actually "seeing" the lines of force).

And, really, those four forces are probably the best example of something that is invisible normally (save the visible portion of the E-M spectrum) but definitely exists.
The argument could be made that it is Love's effects that are visible but Love itself is not, being a pattern of chemical and neural activity inside the brain and body. Much like the fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, et al.). We can see the apple fall but we don't see the warping of spacetime that causes it to do so. We see the iron bar lifted by the magnet, but don't see the field lines without doing some kind of experiment like putting the magnet on a sheet of paper covered with iron filings (and even then, we are using the effects to make them visible rather than actually "seeing" the lines of force).

And, really, those four forces are probably the best example of something that is invisible normally (save the visible portion of the E-M spectrum) but definitely exists.

Gonad Sah ... the head man ... if you know ancient archetype ... word from long ago?
In a world that seems insane how to entertain thoughts? A spark of insanity! --- Robin Williams! Or so I aim's to think this came from ... in dominion of crazies ... you could never know for sure ...

The authorities will change the laws on some generally unknown reason !

Consider what happens to UN-indexed pensioners ... they fade ... with expansive inflationary cause ... created by?

My grandfather received $250.00/month in the 1960's ... can you imagine what that would be worth under full inflationary factors in 2018?

You ask why governing authority would like to retain pensions until the NDE ... or near death benefit of the living flaming well getting out of here ... a burst forth in the dark?

This is poorly observed as intelligence and emotions are thinly observed ... as in Eire ... rarely tipped ... nothing to toast given what the Empire took away ...
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The argument could be made that it is Love's effects that are visible but Love itself is not, being a pattern of chemical and neural activity inside the brain and body. Much like the fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, et al.). We can see the apple fall but we don't see the warping of spacetime that causes it to do so. We see the iron bar lifted by the magnet, but don't see the field lines without doing some kind of experiment like putting the magnet on a sheet of paper covered with iron filings (and even then, we are using the effects to make them visible rather than actually "seeing" the lines of force).

And, really, those four forces are probably the best example of something that is invisible normally (save the visible portion of the E-M spectrum) but definitely exists.
Pavos likes to make up his own definitions and rules of debate this way his rationale is not affected and he comes up smelling like a rose
Pavos likes to make up his own definitions and rules of debate this way his rationale is not affected and he comes up smelling like a rose

And the determination of the fixed raise a stink ... especially about minor things overlooked ... vert Ego ...

All God's children are a bit dizzy ... affection can do that ...
All 'enforced government' is an abuse to humanity. With or without 'enforced government', good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes 'enforced government'.
'Enforced government' requires people to hate harm and kill with impunity. No matter how much they will profess they are peace loving humans their 'enforced government' convinces them do things that they would not even consider without it. The adherents of 'enforced government' are merely victims of 'enforced legislation' but really should hold themselves accountable for their own compliance as those actions are counter intuitive to common sense.
Fixed it for you.