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So, Is the complaint broad based? Anyone other than Pr. Jae suspicious about how threads are promoted to the home page?

I'm not interested in investing time and energy into fixing something most don't consider to be broken.

Noting that the first solution (Asking what threads Pr. Jae thinks should be promoted) has resulted in zero suggestions at this point) has not been tried what is the flaw to that attempted solution?

Any other solutions in the works? Is there a set of criteria that the Council should visit when determining which threads should be promoted being developed by anyone, anywhere?
I'm not suspicious ... I just don't know and according to Genesis just a way to provide naïveté in the common troops ...

Devised ignorance? Who schemed this set of X's or unknowns? Do we teach everything ... especially about what we don't know?

Some will attempt to keep up a certain image ...

So, Is the complaint broad based? Anyone other than Pr. Jae suspicious about how threads are promoted to the home page?

I'm not interested in investing time and energy into fixing something most don't consider to be broken.

Noting that the first solution (Asking what threads Pr. Jae thinks should be promoted) has resulted in zero suggestions at this point) has not been tried what is the flaw to that attempted solution?

Any other solutions in the works? Is there a set of criteria that the Council should visit when determining which threads should be promoted being developed by anyone, anywhere?

Your comment sounds a bit defensive.

Except perhaps for Jae, no one is saying anything is broken. Since no one is saying anything is broken, no one is offering "solutions." I have offered a suggestion for what I think would be a better home page for first time visitors. There is a significant difference between a suggestion and a solution. Think about that suggestion, don't think about it. Act on it, don't act on it. It makes little difference to me.
Luce NDs said:
I'm not suspicious ... I just don't know and according to Genesis just a way to provide naïveté in the common troops ...

Fair enough.

At present there is no set criteria for deciding what is promoted on the home page.

At present only Council Members have the ability to promote threads on the home page.

At present Council Members are deciding for themselves which threads are worthy of promotion to the home page.

Speaking only for myself I have promoted two threads to the home page. Both threads were related to the nominations for and elections of new members to the Council. While nominations was open the nominations thread was promoted. When nominations were closed and elections opened I removed the nominations thread and promoted the elections thread to the home page. When the elections closed I removed the elections thread from the home page.

I will admit that I took initiative among the Council to both create the nominations and elections threads. I will also admit that I promoted those threads (as shared above) though I will say, I was not the one who had the idea to promote them. If memory serves Mendalla made the recommendation, consensus was found very quickly and I agreed to do what needed to be done.

If that seems shady to anyone they can say so openly or approach me about it in private if they are more comfortable doing so.

I will say, if only in my own defense that my motivation for doing any of this work was to make the nominations and elections process transparent and open.

I will also say that the idea of term limits for Council Members (particularly Moderators) was an idea of my own which gained immediate traction among the Council. Before we brought that idea to the General Membership we made sure that the current Moderators knew when their terms would be ending. We had two Moderators willing to step out of that role almost immediately (surely some kind of ploy to consolidate more power for themselves) Geo Fee and I agreed to step down from the office of Moderator at the end of this term (more skullduggery from us shifty UCCAN Clergy types) and the final original Moderator will step down two years from now (in the crowning movement of our collective grab for power and control).
revsdd said:
Your comment sounds a bit defensive.

The allegations of elitism automatically place me, as a member of the Council, in a defensive position. While I appreciate that you don't think the allegation of elitism was warranted it is still there.

Thank you also for suggesting that we make it easier to navigate to the forums from the home page. That is certainly one way to go. You, as well as I know that if the Council immediately made that change with the spectre of elitism having been raised how it would play out as more evidence of us hogging control and refusing to share power.
The allegations of elitism automatically place me, as a member of the Council, in a defensive position. While I appreciate that you don't think the allegation of elitism was warranted it is still there.

Thank you also for suggesting that we make it easier to navigate to the forums from the home page. That is certainly one way to go. You, as well as I know that if the Council immediately made that change with the spectre of elitism having been raised how it would play out as more evidence of us hogging control and refusing to share power.

Do keep in mind that it was one person who made the charge, and that the one person making the charge has a history dating back to the original WC of making similar charges, and that few if any seem to lend much credence to the charge.
revsdd said:
Do keep in mind that it was one person who made the charge, and that the one person making the charge has a history dating back to the original WC of making similar charges, and that few if any seem to lend much credence to the charge.

The source of the allegation neither escaped nor surprises me.

If I was being slandered alone I might have ignored the comment or I might not have. Just as when I was accused of being drunk I decided to tackle that allegation head on.

It is the whole of the Council which is tarred by this slander and to be completely candid I don't think most of them warrant being targeted in this manner.
What I would do is just put the most popular threads on the homepage. They're the ones people are most interested in.
What I would do is just put the most popular threads on the homepage. They're the ones people are most interested in.

How are we defining popularity? Are we measuring by views or replies?

What do we do when the numbers of each skyrocket because of conflict? Is that thread popular or is it simply hogging attention?
What I would do is just put the most popular threads on the homepage. They're the ones people are most interested in.

What is popular to one is not popular to all.

or vice versa.

You know jae, you amaze me. You have ruined many good things - Picnic at 5 Oakes,

Secret Santa, It is as if you deliberately cause problems but the sad thing

is you are either unaware of it or are narcistic enough to think we will jump to your suggestions.

I thank John and the others who have given their time and expertise.

Jae, you have neither.

jae, count your blessings we have such talent in WC2
How are we defining popularity? Are we measuring by views or replies?

What do we do when the numbers of each skyrocket because of conflict? Is that thread popular or is it simply hogging attention?

I'd suggest either way of measuring popularity would be a reasonable way to go about things. Another idea would be to go by how many "likes" the posts in threads get.

Now, as to my use if the word "elitism," revjohn, it's possible that I erred in my use of that word. If I did, I offer my apologies to you and the rest of the Council. What would be a more appropriate word to use for a system in which a select group of people keep it amongst themselves to make such decisions?
What is popular to one is not popular to all.

or vice versa.

You know jae, you amaze me. You have ruined many good things - Picnic at 5 Oakes,

Secret Santa, It is as if you deliberately cause problems but the sad thing

is you are either unaware of it or are narcistic enough to think we will jump to your suggestions.

I thank John and the others who have given their time and expertise.

Jae, you have neither.

jae, count your blessings we have such talent in WC2
crazyheart, I made some mistakes in connection with 5 Oaks and Secret Santa. I feel that I wasn't the only one to, that the community has moved beyond the events if the past, and that there is no need at this time to reopen them. I'm thankful for everyone here at WC2 crazyheart - those on the Council and those not.
Pr. Jae said:
Now, as to my use if the word "elitism," revjohn, it's possible that I erred in my use of that word. If I did, I offer my apologies to you and the rest of the Council. What would be a more appropriate word to use for a system in which a select group of people keep it amongst themselves to make such decisions?

Given the way you constantly frame the concern I'm afraid your apology is more confusing than meaningful.

You operate under the assumption that the Council desires to maintain control. You do not appear to accept that control is not our motivation. That is you fundamentally suspicious of us.

So elitism is incorrect only in the sense that we are not elites.

If you want to continue forward painting the council as control freaks and fearful of giving up responsibilities then there are any number of derogatives and pejoratives you can throw around. We can be a secretive cabal, we can be the illuminati, we can be oligarchs, we can be tyrants, we can be dictators. All of those terms lend to the rather unflattering portrait you paint with respect to our character.

That being the case I hope that you didn't vote for the Council as that would be you setting us up for an attack on our character later.

You might also find that collaboration is easier when you approach folk with carrots rather than leaping immediately to the beating with sticks routine.

So if collaboration really was a goal you might want to consider how it is you collaborate with others. Right now your method is ad hominem bullying and if that is the way you want to go you are apt to find that the results are not going to be to your liking. Already voices not on the council are remembering your past. A past you aren't altogether fond of and one you, for some reason, cannot seem to divorce yourself from.

If your behaviour isn't going to change why is it our (in the communal sense) responsibility not to point that out to you?
If the lead popular man is prone to shots ... is it best to be a subtle follower of understanding thus far ignored by people up front and contributing to the chaos over enigma and paradox?

Simply turn on the ignore switch and thus it goes the other way ... no fight ... only the flight of elite knowledge and it is beyond emotional expletives ...

The things to be covered in a continuum of encompassment ...
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