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@revjohn ,

A simple continuum about the conflict of subjective/objective or the opposite, without dialogue. Where's LGK in this discussion of limited or mortal dialogue? Thus the objective become topiary ... or top-IHC ... causing some things to take flight ...
I don't agree with jae's charge of elitism. I think mostly this is looking (hard) for something to make an issue of and is reiminiscent of jae's belief in the existence of the "clique" on the old WC site. I also rarely look at the Home Page so this isn't much of an issue for me. I do have to say, though, that I question the need to feature any posts on the home page, other than perhaps the thread about basic posting info. I'd feature the names and links to the various forums on the Home Page, rather than having that as a navigational tab. The forums are what this site is all about. They really should be front and centre on the Home Page rather than being buried as a menu item. That's just my opinion. I'd invite the Council to consider my suggestion. That would give visitors to WC2 a much better sense of the types of discussions that take place on the site, and it would take away any appearance of favouritism or elitism.
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Does withdrawal (recessive behaviour) into cliques ... result in opposing cliques that could form anti-social churches that would wish not to learn of alien things to their clique ... and the snapping of heels together whether cloven or not ...?

Make light of it ... it'll pass with the onset of Nichomachian Philosophy about cover-up of knowledge and thus such light was denied .. satire of satyr thus evolved or popped up as wisdom chit!
An ethereal bunch wished to know ... and thus haunted those that didn't wish to know ... and thus light failed or fell out of heaven ...
The logic behind the posts was to provide
a) the post on how to use the site
b) a cross-section of current threads that would help a newbie, rather than the #1 by volume which are quite often flame wars, or just long-running games or what can feel like insider threads
Upon my last check - which was just before I came here to post this, 75% (3/4) of the opening posts featured on the Home page were those of Council members.
Correct, and in the past and as far as we can see into the future, chemgal's post was always there and ChemGal was not a member of the council.
How do we include that in stats -- council member post or not?

Does all of a sudden her post become unworthy because she is a member of council.
Were Seeler's, Crazyheart's, and others posts before them of merit.

Is Carolla's post, given Carolla is no longer a moderator more or less of value due to her change change in state.
The logic behind the posts was to provide
a) the post on how to use the site
b) a cross-section of current threads that would help a newbie, rather than the #1 by volume which are quite often flame wars, or just long-running games or what can feel like insider threads

I agree with you on (a) and think it should remain.

The problem with (b) is that it comes across as arbitrary - which revjohn seems to have confirmed - and lends itself (if unfairly) to charges of favouritism. I'd still prefer the forums featured on the Home Page. The forums tab offers the most recent updated thread for each forum. That would give a better sense of the variety of what gets discussed here. Right now, if I'm a newcomer checking out the site for the first time and I just look at the Home Page, I see a thread about General Council (if I'm not UCCan - and even for many in the UCCan - yawn!!!!!), a thread about the election (if I'm not Canadian, and even for many who are - yawn!!!!!) and a thread about homosexuality (adding to the perception that religious folk are a bit obsessed with the subject, although at least that thread offers a different perspective than what you'd usually find when the pious gather to chat.)
More importantly, is there a post you feel that should be on the homepage, that is not.

Regarding dealing with council:
In my life, i would typically contact a council member and make a suggestion,r ather than just throw out an attack on how i don't like something.
If I am uncomfortable with the response, I would then typically go to council.
My last resort would be a protest , when I haven't even made a recommendation or attempted ot understand.

Then, again, I am not a troll.
Correct, the www.wondercafe2.ca site specifically has a home page for new visitors.

The uccan post re gc42 is time to go away, it is old. I concur with that.
Most of our hits are from canadians, unless they are spammers, or find us through a search engine on a specific topic.
Many of our hits are uccan folks as that still remains the primary spot where people are directed from.
More importantly, is there a post you feel that should be on the homepage, that is not.

Regarding dealing with council:
In my life, i would typically contact a council member and make a suggestion,r ather than just throw out an attack on how i don't like something.
If I am uncomfortable with the response, I would then typically go to council.
My last resort would be a protest , when I haven't even made a recommendation or attempted ot understand.

Then, again, I am not a troll.

Can I ask who you're replying to. If it's me, I see nothing I wrote as an attack - in fact it was intended as a constructive suggestion - nor do I think anything I've written comes across as trolling.
Thank you former Admin chansen for your contribution here. I value every voice here at WC2, as everyone should. You have a wonderful day.
I don't really value yours. Not when you're just going for reactions. Your opinion is severely devalued in my mind because I can never tell if you really hold it, or if you're just trying to provoke.

Here, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. The good thing that happened in this thread, is that people are talking about what the landing page should be when you go to www.wondercafe2.ca. Should it be the portal (home page) or straight to the forum? I can see the argument for either. But you don't want a discussion, you want to take a shot at the council and call it "elitist". I'm not on the council any more, so I can say quite openly that I don't care what you think of them, and if anyone else is wondering if they should respect your opinion, I would encourage them not to.
I've always thought that these home page posts should be automatic and based on activity.
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The Cornerbrook thread made sense to me, as there was information about wondercafe2 there, so it would be likely newcomers might be interested in seeing that.
I don't really pay attention to the home page either.

How easy is it to do as revsdd suggests and switch it up for times when we are likely to see newcomers with a particular thread interest?

I've always thought that these home page posts should be automatic and based on activity.
I agree with Pinga's reasons as to why this might not be the best plan.
Or, perhaps too representative.

I've always seen the portal page, or home page, as the place where you put your best face forward. It eases new visitors into the site, instead of being inundated with a page of subforums. Having mods promote some active, high quality threads seems like the best idea to me. If you put it up to a vote, you get a tug-o-war. If you promote the most active threads, well, I think we can all imagine what that would look like. And it wouldn't be pretty.