Failed Log-in Attempts

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Stationary nomad.
I can never remember my password, so it usually takes a few tries to successfully log-in. How many chances do we get before the account is locked? Is there a "forgot password" option somewhere?
There is such a beast. It's right below the password box.

Here's a link if you're not logged in and reading this.

Maximum tries is something I can't set in the software. I assume it's about 3 or 5 attempts before you're locked out for 15 minutes, or you can follow the "forgot password" link and reset your password to get in immediately.

Hope that helps. I was kinda surprised that I can't set the maximum number of failed attempts.
Thanks chansen. I was kind of surprised I was locked out. Too many passwords to brain is full. :confused:
There are some tricks you can use when setting passwords, where for low-risk sites such as WC2, you use a common password root for multiple sites, and a suffix that is unique to the site. Maybe try something like that?
I thought I had done something like that. I need to figure out a better system. When I log in on my BlackBerry I'm good. No need for a password. That has made me lazy I think. :whistle:
I got logged off today after posting something, or, while trying to post. I had just logged in shortly beforehand. It asked me to log in again - said I must be logged in to post - which I was because I was posting. I changed my password to be safe. Then it happened again a few minutes ago.
Close all your browser sessions, if you haven't done so before.
if that works, great.
If the problem reoccurs, try from another browser.
If it reoccurs after that from within the one browser, but not the other, , you may have a password saved in a cookie that it is reusing. You could try to clear your cookies.