Room For All

Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

That medication 'addition' sounds very unpleasant. Hope things heal quickly and your treatment gets back on track. It is great that you are able to keep occupied and get social interaction. Hugs.
so, you will stop taking meds for a week?

Yes. I've been taking them for two weeks with one week off. I'm being switched to a one week on, one week off schedule. He suggested I start with the one week off. If I don't take a break, the feet will get worse because the side effects are cumulative. I may come to a point again where I'll need a bit of a break from what I've seen with others on this drug
May is looking busy for me

Road trip to a family wedding in Minnesota
A visit and family BBQ for family visiting from California
A trip to Nashville for business
Some roadtrips
Plus minor tests and appointments

Have to keep my social calender up to date
and it just got busier.
A good friend who was once my manager is retiring. Just threw another trip in.
  • Minnesota this weekend for wedding: May 2-6
  • Milwaukee the following week for retirement May 12-14
  • Nashville for a conference May 20-22
  • family bbq May 30
Each of those has pre-req's planning,etc, especially the retirement, as I am trying to contact people from our work past that would like to come, or send a good wishes note.

I did my speech today, so now, i get to plan for the next one. It went well.
Minor hiccup as no room for laptop on podium, so, that was a bit jarring. Ordered a small remote clicker for future presentations.

Business cards are in the works, need to have ready for the conference.

It's good busy. Weddings, gatherings of family, friends, coworkers -- all give life. Even the conference is an opportunity to reconnect with folks that i generally only chat with on line.

Plus, of course, all the other day-to-day family stuff.
Delivering 3 pairs of pj's/nighties that i sewed to the granddaughters tomorrow. Maybe will have summer outfits adjusted.
Depends on how much time i spend on other items.
oh, and it's my partner's birthday!
Good morning! Choir music, medical issues for self or loved ones, close friendships, busy month of May with travel and events, and all the other things that come to mind, we bring it to the Coffee Cart in the Room for All, for conversation, and community, over mugs and cups of hot beverages. Please do drop in when you can, and join the chat, and deepen the community ties. All is ready, come and get it.

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Minor hiccup as no room for laptop on podium, so, that was a bit jarring.
During the latter part of my days preaching at the UU fellowship, I used a tablet with the service and sermon notes PDF'd for easy reading. Fit nicely on both of their lecterns. That said, we weren't using slide decks much in those days, which seems to have changed. I'm guessing from your mention of a clicker that you might have had one?
During the latter part of my days preaching at the UU fellowship, I used a tablet with the service and sermon notes PDF'd for easy reading. Fit nicely on both of their lecterns. That said, we weren't using slide decks much in those days, which seems to have changed. I'm guessing from your mention of a clicker that you might have had one?
Yes, PowerPoint. Laptop on side table which required movement to reach.
Lectern is more like a music stand. Paper falls off, etc.

Remote control will resolve the laptop. Ensuring small side table for water and notes will resolve the other
Good morning! For Epsom salts and essential oils for blistered feet, for use of tech in public presentations, for all the other topics that will arise, we gather round the Coffee Cart in spirit, for hot beverages and warm friendships. As we begin a new month together, let us continue to deepen our community, in conversation and care. All is ready, come join in!

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Hope the weather is pleasant for your move. Ours is kinda yucky - grey with gentle snow that melts as it lands. Oh well, we need some moisture so I'm not complaining. It is a good day to cook and bake. Fresh bread and goat stew.