How was church today?

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A local evangelical congregation has been renting our space for a conference this week so were asked to join us for worship this morning. It was a melding of two different styles of service that was at times great and at other times awkward.
- singing all at the beginning vs. throughout the service
- swaying and clapping in the aisles vs. standing tall and singing out
- Sunday School before vs. during the worship service
- murmurs of "Amen" and "Hallelujah" vs. times of silent prayer

I always find it interesting to compare worship styles. Overall it was a fine service about sharing God's love which is written on each of our hearts. But I will admit to struggling to understand the accent of the guest minister who was visiting from Nigeria.
Church today was actually a weekend retreat when 30 or so people from our congregation gathered for a retreat in the beauty of October on the banks of the St. John River. Wonderful time - we do it every two or three years. My fourth, Seelerman's second retreat. No TV or computers, very little obvious use of smart phones - not forbidden but it seemed that people respected and responded to the need to get away from the distractions of busy lives and form a community among our group. Lots of music, strolling or hiking for those who enjoy the great outdoors, quiet conversations, gathering for theme time and worship. Serious discussion, a few tears. Lots of laughter. Everyone explored their creative side as we made mandellas, and placed them on the alter for our final worship gathering and communion this morning. Comfortable, but not luxury, rooms. Good meals. Over too soon.
Seelergirl shared that the 30 or so missing from the congregation was noticable at our church this morning. Our full-time minister led worship at our church; our half-time minister helped with the retreat.
It sounds like an amazing time was had by all at the retreat, Seeler!
I couldn't say how church was (to me yesterday) as someone would not associate with what I saw in the missal tossed out for digestion ... it happens with human isolationism! It is real ...
I went to a neighbouring town and joined presbytery for worship.
Sermon was on pride Lots of us laughed as the minister sang "Lord it's hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way" Scripture reading was on the pharisee and tax collector praying.
Church today was a celebration of our 190 years of service to the community. Our guest speaker, The Very Rev. Bill Phipps, gave us an uplifting talk on living with respect to creation and reconciliation. The music included a youth filled brass band, praise band, bell canto, choir, pipe organ and lots of voices singing along.
(aside - Birthstone introduced me to Bill Phipps when we met him on a hiking trail in Cornerbrook NL when we were at GC in 2015 - certain seemed to me like he would be an interesting preacher!)
Enjoyable service today. One of our new members gave his very heartfelt testimony. The pastor gave a good sermon based on Jesus' saying, "I am the resurrection and the life." Next week I'm to preach on, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life."
How will you reconcile your message with the continuous swipes you make at the UCCAN?

Eh? I don't know where you're coming from with that question Inukshuk. I really don't. I wasn't on planning on saying anything about the UCCanada in my sermon.
How will you reconcile your message with the continuous swipes you make at the UCCAN?

Really unnecessary in this thread, @Inukshuk. @Jae gave a good straight answer and I don't see why you feel the need to call him out for it. Had he actually taken a swipe at the church in his post, I would feel differently but he did not.
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I too have met Bill Phipps-back when I was an elder in a congregation in Edmonton.
I was introduced as "not a token young adult" at the time. I was in my 20s.
Met Bill Phipps when he visited this Presbytery as ModeratorI remember the UCW of the host church in a small NB village served a salmon and fiddlehead supper - a real treat. I was impressed to hear him speak. We've had some great Moderators - somehow I've met many of them either while they were Moderator or after.

Church today was pleasant - rather lowkey after our Affirming celebration, and Thanksgiving, and our weekend retreat. Seelerman didn't attend; he's a bit under-the-weather after having had a cold. And Grandson is at his father's this weekend.
So I sat alone - and I just realized, in the pew in front of another Moderator. But around here we just call him Peter.

Cold drizzle here. Our gorgeous colourful October is drawing to a close - preparing us for No-No-November.
To be honest, in my 24 years in the UCCan, I never met a moderator (well, unless it happened when I was too little to remember).
Today's scripture was Jesus taking a nap in the boat while the others in the boat were freaking that the boat would go under at any minute. Rev. Sheena had a good sermon on how the presence of Jesus is with us in all the good times and all the bad times. Sheena is from California and spoke of what it was like on 9-11 to be an American and spoke of her 80 year old grandmother that sad day offering comfort and perspective having lived through so much in 80 years and telling Sheena it was not the end of the world just a scary time.