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Hopefully Namana will rest well for a few nights now that you have returned.
It is difficult for me to describe the situation when I do not really know what is going on myself. Namana had a buddy in here but she died 3 weeks ago. Leaving Namana with no get up and go. She just wants to lie in bed. She perks up when the nurse comes to examine her and the nurse can not find any malfunctions and says that there is no need for further examination by a physician.
The nurse came back for a follow up. In the meantime Namana is much improved and said that she is ready to go back down to the dining room and participate in other activities.
I am so sorry to hear than Namana's friend died. I imagine her 'taking to her bed' was a grief response - and it good that you had the nurse check for any other possibilities, as that can sometimes be overlooked. Glad to hear she is starting to feel a bit better and I pray that will continue.
She will. Any new friend potential? Not to minimize the situation for either of you, but if she has a companion besides you, would be easier for you to live your part-time farm life. Was her friend the one you showed us the picture of at some point?
That's what I thought. Hugs for you and Namana while you settle into yet another "new normal". Hard.
Hi Naman - I was thinking of you yesterday when I watched this documentary - "My Farmland" - regarding Chinese investment in farming in Canada. Some of it is filmed in the Ogema area - we stayed near there when we visited Saskatchewan. It was really informative to talk with you about farming and how it has changed over the decades. I found this to be a really interesting movie - here's a link in case you are interested - My Farmland You should be able to watch the movie from this CBC site.
Such a challenging situation to be in Naman. I feel a bit uncomfortable saying "Take care of yourself." Namana is more likely to get extra assistance if the staff see her failing to cope while you are away. Within healthcare, education etc. problems often get ignored until they are approaching the emergency level. Not nice. Not fair. Not reasonable. Just the way it seems to work. Depriving yourself of pleasure and personal activity to meet Namana's needs shouldn't be necessary in the living situation you have. Consider her needs and do what suits the pair of you best. It is far too easy for a caregiver to lose health because of the demands that take away their well-being.