
Welcome to Wondercafe2!

A community where we discuss, share, and have some fun together. Join today and become a part of it!

  1. Mendalla

    Do you believe in any "spooky stuff"?

    Hallowe'en looms. The night when the dark forces are let loose in the world to stalk the living and ... collect candy:jackolantern:. Except there may not be much of that this year. So, let's talk about the spooky stuff. Are you a believer or a skeptic? Are there any paranormal phenomena that...
  2. Mendalla

    What happens when we die?

    Oh, what the hell. We have a thread going on heaven right now, so maybe it's time for a poll on the subject. It's public (you can see who answered what), open-ended (no end date), and you can change your answer if you have a conversion experience. I hope I've hit all the common options but...
  3. BetteTheRed

    How does one "choose" a Belief System?

    From another thread, quoting myself, "...A more interesting question, to me, is "can you choose your belief system"? I don't think it's possible. I believe what I believe, not because I chose it, but because this is the vision that life has unfolded before me, based on what I have received via...
  4. Mendalla

    What supernatural/paranormal things do you believe in?

    Headline says it all. With the Halloween thread running and some discussion elsewhere, though it would be fun to open a poll on this subject. Discussion open to anything related, really. I'm leaving it open for 3 months in case there's actual interest.