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And just to head things off at the pass. What if a Council member edits their own post? Any notation appear for that?

Is there a "Last Edited" on the post of mine above you? It shows for me. In the case of editing my own post, it only shows as "Last Edited" not as "Last edited by moderator" so you can tell it was me.

HOWEVER, there is an "Edit Silently" option that I'm not sure I can disable, though I can look into it. If you "Edit silently", no message gets added (I silently edited this post to add this sentence).
This of course will be of immense help when the Arkanologists from Ektasy-5 go over our long dead planet and have to archive this BBS.

Good show

(i dont know if this applies as much anymore but i found on WC: Gallegos Guys that making one of my tags my handle helped me immensely with keeping track of all my wandering inguinal dribbles there)
(i dont know if this applies as much anymore but i found on WC: Gallegos Guys that making one of my tags my handle helped me immensely with keeping track of all my wandering inguinal dribbles there)

It would work but I am not sure if it would accomplish much. Clicking the tag would just get you a posting history, which you can already get by clicking your name and then "Your Content". For searching, we can already limit by user name so it doesn't help that either. Still, you're welcome to try and see if it does any good.

And welcome back. Nice to see you here again.
It would work but I am not sure if it would accomplish much. Clicking the tag would just get you a posting history, which you can already get by clicking your name and then "Your Content". For searching, we can already limit by user name so it doesn't help that either. Still, you're welcome to try and see if it does any good.

And welcome back. Nice to see you here again.
I needed the break