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I always hated Monopoly & Risk. We had our Trivial Pursuit phase.

My Paradox and I still play cribbage. And I love backgammon but he is not much of a fan.
Dad was really into Cribbage - I could never getting the point counting correct though I did enjoy playing
I've never paid euchre - mom had in the past and didn't really like it
It's a good game but it can get stressful if people get super competitive with it. It also has a certain culture of accepting cheating as part of the fun in some circles.

There's a lot to remember. Whose turn? What's trump? What's the score?

Canadian and American rules are different, too.
My childhood game was cribbage, with a bit of monopoly (which I hate) and Scrabble (which I love). As a teen/young adult/coupled woman, my game was euchre. I no longer play anything. I should try and resharpen my crib game with the big guy, as it is his game.
I should try and resharpen my crib game with the big guy, as it is his game.
I got Mrs. M into it for a while but she prefers something more strategic, less random in a game. It was interesting hearing her count her hand in Shanghainese (her first language). In the end, you're at the mercy of the deck, as with most card games. Only choosing what to put in the crib and sometimes pegging has much thought to it.
I learned to play chess when I was quite young - 7 or 8, I think. But it never stuck with me as a game, because my spatial sense is too poor to anticipate moves more than one or two turns ahead. My late husband was very good at it.
I know the moves in chess and the basic rules (even en passant). But I have never learned any of the strategy.
I thought more people would be playing chess.
Definitely played it but not as a favourite. In fact, I basically hung out with the chess club in high school, basically, since several of my friends were players. OTOH, that meant I tended to lose a lot. Some of these guys were actually ranked players (not highly, but ranked) since the chess club attended tournaments.
Never played chess - always wanted to learn

Papers all delivered!...less wind but -15C windchill when I left