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  • ChemGal
    ChemGal posted the thread Solar Panels in Pop and Chips.
    Chemguy was paying attention and with the end to some of the benefits we're getting them in soon. Our roof has been reshingled, so solar...
  • ChemGal
    ChemGal replied to the thread Ape's writing thread.
    It's unfortunate, I found school turned me off a lot of things. Book clubs come to mind, it seemed too much like the assignments we...
  • ChemGal
    ChemGal reacted to Mendalla's post in the thread Ape's writing thread with Like Like.
    Welp, with all my current efforts flailing, StoriesSpace came through with a new, and intriguing, competition. So I'm dumping my current...
  • ChemGal
    ChemGal replied to the thread Grocery shopping.
    Is anyone participating in the loblaw's boycott? We have had enough issues with them where they dropped off of our regular shopping...
  • ChemGal
    ChemGal replied to the thread Grocery shopping.
    Thanks, Chemguy got me some that were fairly expensive at one store. Since then I found Alymer ones at Sobeys, for a fraction of the price.
  • ChemGal
    ChemGal reacted to Mendalla's post in the thread From the River .... with Like Like.
    The argument could be made that part of the problem is the seeming inability of people to separate the two and recognize that criticism...