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Silly me...
In my case what I have 2 do is 2 go to my Profile page and then click on "Posts" tab and then go to the bottom of the page and select All My Threadz...hoosht. my fingers r getting a workout
Is it allowed to "resurrect" threads, i.e. reply/post in threads which the last post was long ago?
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Is it allowed to "resurrect" threads, i.e. reply/post in threads which the last post was long ago?
Jeez, you're awfully polite. You're already sounding Canadian. Just line up for your hockey stick and maple syrup ration over there and you're in.

I think more than anyone else, new people have all sorts of leeway to resurrect threads. New ideas and perspectives and all.
I'm half German, half Northern Italian. We're polite, at least when we're not home lol
Thanks for your answer, btw!
@KayTheCurler there's been a few conversations sent your way. Have you seen them? Did you respond?
It has been less than 24 hours so there's a good chance you just haven't seen them, but if there is an issue hopefully we can get it fixed quickly!