Lag/Hesitation in page loading?

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Is anyone else finding their browser "hangs" for a few seconds before loading pages? I'm seeing it in Chrome on both my phone and desktop. Could be a performance issue on the site but just want to confirm that it's not just me. I testing and Xenforo Community which also run Xenforo 2 and they load fine so the problem, if there is one, is likely ours rather than Xenforo's so I'll do some investigating.
HAve not noticed it on Firefox on either machine I use regularly. I'll check on Chrome
Seems about the same as most other pages, maybe a touch slower

Much more noticable on CHrome, likely because generally I find Chrome to be faster in general
Yes, using Chrome, it's been rather sluggish all day (other sites seem to be loading normally, btw) On iPhone Safari, it didn't seem slow, but then on Safari on an iPhone everything seems to take longer
It does seem to hsave improved a lot in the last 10 minutes or so, yes
I am good now, too. Likely means the problem was at our host but I can crawl through logs to see.
I also had that odd security message about cookies pop up once today when I was logging out.
Yes noticed it...thought it was because I didnt download my software updates last night. Still havent but problem has been resolved.
I meant to come back, everything for me was slow this morning so it was hard to tell if here was any worse. All good now :)