Coming Soon: Profile Banners

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Happy headbanging ape!!
Want to pretty up your profile on WC2? With the upgrade, we get the ability to add "Profile Banner", a picture that appears at the top of your profile behind your avatar and info. I am sure most of you are familiar with the concept from social media (I have one on Twitter).

Adding one is basically the same as adding an Avatar. You'll just go to Account settings and the button to choose and upload a profile banner image appears right below the similar options for Avatar.
I'll see if I have one set up on my account in Dev. Forget if I did or not.
So this is the view when you click on someone's name to see their profile.

Profile banner WC2 1200.png
And if you click on their avatar next to a thread or post in a list, you get this.

Yes, that's a different one than I use on Xenforo Community. In fact, I am not sure what profile banner I will use once the upgrade is done. I have many options.