35 years ago, the music moved me

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Happy headbanging ape!!
In the Fall of 1988, I left home for the first time, moving to London, Ontario (for the first time, I was to return for good in 1999) to do my MLIS at Western. And that Fall, as I dealt with the new experience of being on my own, three albums came out that remain influential on my musical tastes down to this day. The first came out 35 years ago today. Watermark, by Irish artist Enya, is a beautiful, powerful collection of songs by Enya and Roma Ryan, whose husband Nicky produced. The layered sounds combined with Enya's gorgeous voice made for some amazing music. The first single hooked me in and by the end of the year, the album was in my collection.

The other two came out in October and I'll follow up with posts for each.