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A sensible solution.

I notice facebook has allowed for emoji responses so that like is not the only possibility and there can be somewhat clearer communication about the sentiments a post raises in individuals.

Kind of hate to bump a thread by someone no longer here, but FB style reactions are coming in Xenforo 2.1 (no date announced but I am guessing by end of 2018). Even better, they will be customizable so we can make whatever we want. Anything from classics like "Like" and "Love" to more specific ones like "In Sympathy". I have talked a bit about upgrading in the thread below so you can discuss this and other wants for an upgraded, redesigned WC2 there.

The Future of WC2 is Coming...What should it look like?

How does one define sym pathee ... given pathe is an old word for the pain (of love)?

Feel the Eros of cupid? Thats complex chaos ... tis not sim plae ..
Kind of hate to bump a thread by someone no longer here, but FB style reactions are coming in Xenforo 2.1 (no date announced but I am guessing by end of 2018). Even better, they will be customizable so we can make whatever we want. Anything from classics like "Like" and "Love" to more specific ones like "In Sympathy". I have talked a bit about upgrading in the thread below so you can discuss this and other wants for an upgraded, redesigned WC2 there.

The Future of WC2 is Coming...What should it look like?
Is there any response more appropriate to this post than liking it?
If progressive .. could it cause seizure .. like Caesar stated ... brutus is that thou?

Thus institutionalization fixation ...

Only an ethereal collection can get beyond this ... numinous?

Understanding is alien ...
Is life composed ... or compost? Thus negative economics and borrowing from the future without conscience ... thus tax cuts in blind sense to the powers!

Relaxation syndrome ... thus the dippy sense ... baptiste?